Seals of Biliteracy: Supporting LCTL Access and Equity

Presented During:

Friday, November 22, 2024: 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM EST
Pennsylvania Convention Center  
Room: Room 110B  

Proposal No:



Research-Oriented Paper 

Applicable Language:

Non-language specific 

Language of Presentation:


Lead Presenter:

Ayumi Stockman  
Minnesota Department of Education, Office of Equity and Opportunity


Ayumi Stockman  
Minnesota Department of Education, Office of Equity and Opportunity

Additional Presenter:

Kendall King  
University of Minnesota

Content and Purpose:

State seals of biliteracy are awards given to U.S. high school graduates who demonstrate high levels of proficiency in a language other than English. Seals are an important recognition and powerful step towards reframing multilingualism and multiliteracy as individual and societal assets.

Yet while seals are technically available to nearly all U.S. high school graduates, access is biased toward students of widely taught languages and students residing in large or well resourced districts. Speakers of less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) and heritage languages (HLs) as well as learners in rural districts earn the seals at comparatively far lower rates (King, 2022).

The Equity and Access to the State Seal of Biliteracy project aims to address these inequities by examining data, implementation practices, and need analysis through focus groups and surveys. Based on these findings and federal grant support, the first-ever national website is underdevelopment.

Program Guide Description:

This presentation overviews efforts to support equity and access to the state seal of biliteracy in less commonly taught languages. Presenters discuss findings from a national level needs analysis conducted through surveys and focus groups and provide rationale for a toolkit currently under development for a national audience.

Audience Level:

All Audiences


Equitable and Inclusive Practices