Integrating Sustainable Development Goals and Cultures in Chinese Classes

Presented During:

Saturday, November 23, 2024: 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM EST
Pennsylvania Convention Center  
Room: Room 125  

Proposal No:



Practice-Oriented Paper 

Applicable Language:


Language of Presentation:


Lead Presenter:

Kaishan Kong  
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


Kaishan Kong  
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Content and Purpose:

Language education transcends mere proficiency; educators aspire to cultivate linguistically skilled individuals with cultural competencies and active participation in building a more inclusive world. The goal necessitates engaging students in meaningful and real-world discussions. One approach is to integrate the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and cultures in language classrooms, through which students expand their knowledge and apply the target language beyond the textbooks. This presentation will share a pedagogy that embeds SDGs and cultures in a Chinese classroom, enabling both novice and intermediate students to utilize their language skills to address world issues, such as SDG5 Gender Equality, and discuss their societal responsibilities. The presentation will share the curriculum design, instructions, and student work to illustrate the rationale. The presenter will discuss how this pedagogy aligns with the ACTFL 5Cs and provide actionable insights.


Participants will be able to design engaging activities that integrate SDGs and cultures in language classroom

Participants will be able to align interdisciplinary activities with ACTFL 5Cs

Participants will be able to learn some techniques to support and facilitate meaningful discussion on SDGs and cultures in the target language

Program Guide Description:

This presentation introduces a pedagogical approach that integrates the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals and cultures in Chinese language classes. The presenter will share the project design, activity instructions, and examples of student work, for the audience to adopt and adapt to suit their unique teaching contexts.

Audience Level:



Curriculum and Instruction