Social Justice in WLE: Intersection of Place-Based and Personal Identities

Presented During:

Friday, November 22, 2024: 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM EST
Pennsylvania Convention Center  
Room: Room 110B  

Proposal No:



Research-Oriented Paper 

Applicable Language:

Non-language specific 

Language of Presentation:


Lead Presenter:

Kelly Moser  
Mississippi State University


Kelly Moser  
Mississippi State University

Additional Presenter(s):

James Coda  
University of Tennessee
Dr. Carly Bahler  
Mississippi State University

Content and Purpose:

WL instruction has always been entangled with social and political contexts. Although social justice approaches are needed more than ever due to parental rights bills that aim to censor discussions of identities, the role of place as a critical factor influencing instructional decisions has been underexplored. Place, the context within which educators live and work, influences teacher identities and ultimately how they enact their practice. This mixed-methods study is grounded in intersectionality. It aims to uncover how teachers negotiate their own instructional practices and if/how personal and place-based identities are reflected in their pedagogical decisions. The study is grounded in the following research questions:
What is the relationship between teachers' place-based identities and their likelihood to integrate instructional practices in line with social justice principles?
What factors influence teachers' decisions to embrace/avoid social justice in the WL classroom?

Program Guide Description:

This session presents the findings of a mixed-methods study that explored the intersections between WL educators' social justice practices and their identities. It provides concrete examples of teachers' instructional decisions with implications regarding how identities and purposeful reflection can influence practice.

Audience Level:

All Audiences


Equitable and Inclusive Practices