Pedagogical Translation in Heritage-Second Language Secondary Classrooms

Presented During:

Friday, November 22, 2024: 6:00 PM - 6:15 PM EST
Pennsylvania Convention Center  
Room: Room 110B  

Proposal No:



Research-Oriented Paper 

Applicable Language:


Language of Presentation:


Lead Presenter:

Sarah Albrecht  
University of Houston-Downtown


Sarah Albrecht  
University of Houston-Downtown

Content and Purpose:

Most heritage Spanish speakers are still placed in mixed heritage language (HL)-second language (L2) secondary classes taught with second language pedagogies, an inequity that typifies heritage language teaching. Framed by sociocultural theory, this transdisciplinary, mixed-methods study explores the innovative use of pedagogical translation for reading comprehension in two mixed HL-L2 secondary Spanish classrooms. Through linguistic comparisons while translating a poem, both groups showed gains in vocabulary learning and metalinguistic awareness, markers of reading comprehension, while approaching language content and function differently. Pedagogical and research implications will be explored, and participants will be encouraged to assess the effectiveness of translation for equitable HL-L2 teaching through group discussion.

Program Guide Description:

How can heritage and second language learners' needs be met in mixed Spanish classes? Pedagogical translation meets world-readiness standards for both groups. This presentation shares a study on the use of pedagogical translation for reading comprehension through comparing languages and cultures and discusses research and pedagogical implications.

Audience Level:

High School/Post-Secondary


Equitable and Inclusive Practices